Applying to universities can be a confusing and stressful process, for not only students, but also parents and teachers. There are many common questions often pondered by students and parents. Which universities and course are the best fit? How does the application process work? What does my child need to do to secure a place?
Harbour House offers services to assist and aid the process of university visiting, selection, and applications. All components of applications, including personal statements, references, interviews, and any necessary entrance exams will be guided, with the aim of optimizing your child's potential of entering their target universities.
As each child is different, and each institution may have different requirements, these services will be bespoke, shaped differently for each child. We want to ensure we can approach each child's strengths as well as weaknesses, and operate for their wellbeing. This includes supporting development of applications around students' school timetables, which we understand will be busy and stressful enough!
If you are interested in receiving university counseling for your child, including help with the application process, guiding decisions based on each child's personal interests and talents, and more, please don't hesitate to contact us for more information.